How to Stagger Vinyl Plank Flooring – Smooth Installation Guide

This is the guide for only who loves how to stagger vinyl plank flooring!

Are you looking for renovating and giving a new and different look to the flooring of your house? Installing vinyl planks is a cost-effective way to provide different looks to your home. They look as classier as any other floor material and installing Vinyl Plank on the floor has got easy over time.

It requires a little patience, some tools, and a little planning on how you would approach it. You can always call for help from a professional, but given that it doesn’t require that much effort or know-how, it can be safely said that you can pretty much do for yourself. It is today why we have decided to cover how to stagger vinyl plank floors. We will be laying out the exact process you can follow to give a great makeover to the flooring of anywhere in your house, be it your living room or kitchen!

If you are an owner of a Luxury Vinyl Plank Floor then you have to think about how to care for your floor – Check out these vinyl plank floor vacuum to keep clean your luxury floor.

Before starting

Before doing anything, or even start a war, you need to gather your logistics or supplies. Although we are not exactly going to fight here, it is no less than that, so pick the required and essential tools like a pencil, a tape measure, one carpet snip, and one T-square as well.

how to stagger vinyl plank flooring - 5 Ways to Done

Step 1: To begin with the installation and stagger the vinyl planks, the first thing you need to do is to cut the top 1-inch adhesive strip from the first board. After cutting the first board, put the piece you have cut just now on the right side of the board. You should be following this step precisely as it will help to give the floor a smooth surface. After you are done with this essential first step required, now you can begin with the next steps.

Step 2:  In this step, you need to start working from the right side. So put the plank on the floor you are working at. Then place the first full plank with the glued side towards the door. Please remember that there should be a one-eight of an inch gap left for the top right side of the board. Attach a minimum one single full-width plank more with the plank you are working. Once you are done, now start to do the measurement for the next step.

Step 3:  Place the tape measure you are using for measuring the new plank. Start working from the right side and measure two-thirds of this board. You need to draw one small vertical line. As most of the planks you will get usually comes a measurement of 36 inches in height. Now from the bottom. Scale the measure of 24 inches and mark it so that you don’t face any measurement problems later. This step is very crucial because if you don’t get the measurement right then the whole thing will be botched.

Step 4: Now it is the turn of t square to get into some action. You will be breaking the plank here so you need to get the line right for a smoother appearance. Start by placing the T-square on the planks and p0ut it in a way that the top of T square touches the top of the plank, and the bottom of it stays in line with the vertical line you drew earlier.

Keep the plank and the tool strong so that it does not move out from its place. Start using the utility knife to draw the cut line and make sure it is straight by using the help of T square. Draw the line a few times with the knife so that you don’t need to press too hard. Now gently break it into a straight and smooth path.

Step 5: Put this board from the previous step on the floor and make it the first board in the second row. Keep adding planks to the first and second rows. Continue to measure and cut the planks in the third, and continue to install the planks on the pillar rows.


Applying the step by step we provided here will make the job much easier for you. But If you are still not so confident in doing the Staggered Vinyl Plank Flooring by yourself, you can always start by doing it in a much smaller room. Once you get a practical idea of how to do it, then you can apply this to the rest of the house.

I hope it has been helpful to you how to stagger vinyl plank flooring

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